When booking your accommodation, select “The Picnic Experience”, then let us do the rest!

Your picnic basket will be brimming with seasonal delights and wine/champagne will be available for purchase.

Your picnic will be located in a picturesque location within the Calstock grounds so you can enjoy the surrounds of the serene gardens and nature.

Picnic experiences must be paid for when booking accommodation and must be finalised by the time of your arrival. Please note at least 24 hours notice must be given to ensure enough time for procurement of fresh produce and set up of picnic. If during your stay you decide you would like a picnic, again, we ask that 24 hours notice is given prior.

Please note that as this is a specially curated experience, no BYO picnics will be permitted.

*Picnics will only be available during the warmer months (September - March; weather permitting.) All items are dependent on seasonal availability.

Our Beautiful Picnics

Natural rattan seats, cushions and a picnic rug are gathered up. With a table, basket and our bespoke picnic cart, enjoy the tranquility of the surrounds with a picnic in a private location. We will take care of packing up ensuring a complete hands free experience.

Whilst we are all about rest and relaxation, there is also the option of jumping on one of our bicycles and venturing out into town for a coffee (we recommend stopping in at Frank and Lottie at the top of main street) or why not take one of our picnics down to the riverside.

A relaxed, easy outing not far from our doorstep.

Please enquire during your stay regarding booking bicycles or picnics.

Pedal Power